It’s common to hear people say to create a routine, but after you’ve been in the game for a while, you begin to notice it’s not all that simple Is it possible to break down routine and ritual and still be productive, flexible and adapt to change?
Productivity is an overarching term that encapsulates an individual’s ability to get things done in an efficient and effective manner.
This is a journey of discoveries of highly successful people who do things differently, looking at the five areas of health, work and lifestyle.
In this masterclass, will be going through the core concepts of a productivity framework which will help you stay productive during working hours and keep track of what you have been doing/what you should be working on.
Content is King, but conciseness is the Holy Grail. Brevity is the soul of wit. Concision is the soul of language.
Brevity & briefness aren’t just the souls of wit, they’re also extremely valuable attributes of effective writing. Yet many people get confused between being succinct and being short or misleading.
The ingredients to cook a precise message on a particular subject that sounds delightful to the ears seem factual and trustworthy, as well as conveys the meaning in the most descriptive yet precise manner.
In this masterclass, you will learn how to bring forth a treasure-trove of insight & information into achieving the brevity attitude.
Detailing down specific & step by step processes to explore a new dimension in writing succinct content.
– Extrapolating the span of words to fulfill the caveat of time.
– Hacking Concision Precision Specificity to deliver the crux of the matter.
– Leveraging expressions, metaphors, anecdotes, and idioms to convey a lot in a few.
– Drawing upon ‘Substantial Substance & ‘key messaging when penning down content.
– Mastering economy of words, simplicity, tackling redundancy armada of Information
– Analyzing the routine and observing what matters
– Measures, metrics’, frameworks, & tools for articulating & gauging outcome.
– Learn the art of bundling & categorizing tasks with a singular focus.
– Analyze & hack the code of ideation on a routine basis.
– Key deliverables planning, strategic planning, box Ill (futuristic) planning on an ongoing basis
– Tacks and Tactics – Mechanism, methods, means, and medium to practice brevity & briefness.
– Delta Exercises & Practice Sessions-Observing the Impact & effects of redundant v/s brevity-filled content.
– Baseline exercises Identify your current preferences & trends associated with penning down content.
– Post-session engagement – Follow-up for building routine for highest productivity.
– Practical tools & Frameworks – Concepts to make planning & productivity practical and sustainable.
– Simulation-based learning – Discovering the facets of planning, organizing, & productivity in real-time.
– Recently turned postgraduates with an aspiration to ace significant interviews.
– Corporate employees who wish to articulate their perspectives sharply during team briefings.
– Leaders with an inclination to cascade strategy & key messages in a clear, concise, & precise way.
– Professionals who aim to express their ideas, and experiences in a minimum time with positive residue.
– Entrepreneurs who wish to seed their pitches with precision, and concision in the least amount of time.
– Corporate professionals with 7 years & above job experience grappling with work-life balance.
– Entrepreneurs struggle to manage their ideas in time and space. Self-employed individuals coping up with multiple clients, and priorities, aspiring for utmost productivity.
– Recently joined workforce wanting to start at the right cusp of efficiency and effectiveness.
– Professionals who want to deliver maximum impact in minimum pockets of time consistently.